Tips for Maintaining Sparkly Tiles

Sparkly tiles enhance the beauty of your household with their elegant and stunning looks. However, to retain their shine and brightness, you need to maintain them properly. The best thing about them is that they are very easy to clean and maintain.

The first thing you should focus on, is to clean the sparkly tiles daily. This task is very simple and it will not take more than 15 minutes. Before mopping the floor with water, you should first brush it. This is the ideal method to keep debris and dirt from piling on the tiles. If the sparkly tiles are installed on the walls, then use a duster to brush the tiles. After that, you may mop the floor and the wipe the walls with water. It is better to completely dry out the tiles to prevent the formation of mildew. If your house consists of heavy furniture made of metal, wood, plastic or aluminum then you should place pads underneath their legs. This helps to prevent the tiles from getting scratches.

If you have sparkly tiles in high traffic areas like porch or stairs, place mats to protect them.

If you have sparkly tiles on the kitchen counter, keep a silicon mat at hand and always place it underneath any hot utensil. This is because the high temperature of any utensil can affect the shine and color of these tiles.

Apart from their daily wiping, it is good to mop these tiles with a solution made of water and vinegar once in a while. In a gallon of water, mix at least half a cup of vinegar and then use it to mop your tiled floor. Let it sit for 5- 10 minutes and then again mop the floor with plain water to remove odor. The gentle acidity of vinegar will cause all the mildew to die. Also, it is significant to note that you should avoid the use of other chemical agents for cleaning sparkly tiles because these agents cause these tiles to fade and also affect their texture.

Between the tiles there is a cemented space, known as grout. The grout of white tiles is usually white in color and this is the harboring ground for molds, mildew, and dirt. To remove them, you need to mix at least one-fourth of detergent powder into a full bucket of water and spill some of it on grout and let it sit. After 15 minutes, clean it by mopping and then drying the water.

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